

欢迎来到我们全面的“为大学付费”指南, where we help you navigate the intricate landscape of financing higher education. 当你踏上这段激动人心的旅程时,了解你可用的资源是至关重要的.

Step one is completing the 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)这是你获得联邦和州助学金、奖学金和其他经济援助项目的门户. Before being considered for aid, you must have a current FAFSA on file.

Once your FAFSA is submitted, you may qualify for a wide variety of assistance. While some opportunities require separate applications, the FAFSA is always your first step. Below is an outline of the various resources available to make paying for college a reality.

det365手机版官网’s 一站式学生服务 Center staff is here to help every step of the way.



To get started on your FAFSA you must first create a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. 你需要密件抄送学校代码,即015285. 学生和家长/监护人(任何帮助你申请FAFSA的人)必须有一个FSA ID. If you already have an FSA ID, you do not need to create a new one. 首先,请按照下面链接的说明进行操作. For additional information on the FAFSA and the process of completing it, 请看下面的视频.







的 下一次NC奖学金 is a financial aid program that helps most North Carolinians from households making $80,在任何一所或一半以上的社区学院中,不超过1万的学生通过全额支付学杂费的方式接受高等教育, 如果不是全部, of tuition and fees to attend any public university in the state. 最棒的是? 这是不需要偿还的钱. 这是正确的. 你所要做的就是提交你的FASFA,看看你是否可以得到你不必偿还的大学学费.


联邦佩尔助学金, 联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSOG), 北卡社区学院助学金, 北卡罗来纳教育彩票奖学金, 金色的树叶, 和长叶承诺奖助金. You apply to each of these grants by completing an annual FAFSA application.


不伦瑞克保证是不伦瑞克县高中学生攻读学位的一次性机会, 文凭, or certificate at Brunswick Community College (det365手机版官网) without the burden of tuition, 书, 或费用!

To qualify for this amazing opportunity, students must meet the following criteria:

  • Residency: Be a resident of Brunswick County within the past 2 years.
  • Citizenship: Be a United States citizen or documented lawful permanent resident.
  • High School Enrollment: Have been enrolled in a Brunswick County public, 私人, 或者高中的时候在家上学.
  • GPA要求:至少达到2分.高中平均绩点3分, 或获得det365手机版官网颁发的GED®/成人高中文凭,并通过GED®或HiSET®考试.
  • Enrollment Timing: Enroll at Brunswick Community College within four semesters (Fall, 春天, 夏天, 从不伦瑞克县高中毕业或获得det365手机版官网 GED/成人高中文凭.
  • 申请:每年完成一份det365手机版官网奖学金申请和一份免费的联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA).
  • 课程注册:注册课程(学分)课程(证书,文凭或学位).



9/11后退伍军人法案, 蒙哥马利现役军人法案, 预备役和警卫蒙哥马利退伍军人法案, 职业康复和教育项目. 更多详细信息请联系财政援助办公室 bccfinancialaid@daehanserver.net.


det365手机版官网基金会通过捐赠给基金会设立学生奖学金. 基金会委员会根据捐献人指定的标准并结合基金会政策颁发奖学金. 学生可以申请一次,并考虑超过100个奖项.

Applicants must complete the FAFSA before submitting the scholarship application. 的 2024 application period begins on February 1 and ends at midnight on May 31.

下面的按钮将您带到应用程序站点. If you do not already have an account, please follow the instructions to create one.


Nearly 150 college 奖学金 administered by the North Carolina Community 基金会 are 接受申请,相当于近1美元.800万奖学金.

在NCCF,我们相信教育的力量可以改善生活. 我们与捐助者合作,为全州学生的利益管理奖学金. 

  • Most NCCF 奖学金 close for 2024 applications on March 15. 申请是免费的, and it is now much easier for students to apply for multiple 奖学金 from NCCF.
  • This year, NCCF is using a Universal Scholarships Application for the first time. 的 online application matches information about the student – such as county of residence, 平均绩点或预期专业-标准约为 130年奖学金. Students are then alerted to all 奖学金 for which they may be eligible.
  • 关于 其他20项奖学金 不同的申请有不同的截止日期. 我们鼓励学生审查这些标准,并按照说明申请.

北卡罗来纳学生经济援助管理人员协会(NCASFAA)为经济援助社区提供培训和专业发展机会, 代表财务援助专业人士的提倡者, and strives to promote educational access and choice for students.

作为一名大学生, 财政支持通过赠款提供, 奖学金, 勤工俭学和贷款. 的 application information for the new NCASFAA scholarship is now live.

To apply, click on the button below, review the eligibility requirements and apply. 申请截止日期为2024年3月22日.  






  • 登录你的 自助服务,选择“付款”,以信用卡/借记卡付款
  • 用电话汇款,910.755.7318
  • 访问 the Cashier’s Office, Building A, first floor to pay in person; or
  • 与商务办公室制定付款计划 

Note: To remain enrolled in classes, remit tuition by the payment due date. If you are unable to pay the full tuition amount, consider applying for a Payment Plan.


Brunswick Community College is pleased to provide students with a Tuition Payment Plan. This plan allows you to pay your tuition and fees in monthly installments.


  • 登录你的 自助服务, select “Make a Payment” and select “Create a Payment Plan”; or
  • 访问 A栋一楼商务办公室.  Complete the Tuition Payment Plan Enrollment Application and make your first payment.

注意: A payment plan is not effective until you have made your first payment. 在注册高峰期,付款计划请求可能需要长达24小时的处理时间.


是的. 北卡罗莱纳州议会每学年拨出有限的资金,用于帮助学生家长支付儿童保育费用. 这项补助金的目的是帮助有需要的学生承担照顾孩子的经济责任,以便他们可以继续注册并完成他们的教育目标. 符合条件的学生每个孩子每月最多可获得650美元.

To be eligible for the NC Child Care Grant, students must meet the following criteria:

  • 是北卡罗来纳州的合法居民
  • 他被登记为课程学生
  • 已注册至少6个学分
  • 在财政援助办公室存档了2024-25年联邦学生援助免费申请吗
  • 必须取得令人满意的学业进展(2.平均绩点0,完成率67%)
  • 每个班级必须每月提交考勤表吗
  • Must submit monthly attendance record from child care provider for each child

儿童保育补助金以先到者为准, first service basis and preference is provided to students in seated classes.

For additional information, contact us at (910) 755-7320 or OneStop@daehanserver.net.

I have been selected for Verification, where do I find the requested 资助表格?

If you have been advised by the Office of Financial Aid to complete and submit a form(s), 点击下面的按钮并输入您的用户名和密码. Once you have logged in, you should see a list of Financial Aid forms. 选择要求您填写的表单.

If you do not see the requested form, please contact the Office of Financial Aid. 请只在被要求时填写表格. 一定要用正确的年份, 并尽快归还,以免耽误处理你的经济援助申请.

我被告知我将因未付款而被退学,我的经济援助申请正在处理中. 我该怎么办??

要继续注册,你必须汇出到期的学费. 如果你不能支付全部金额, 考虑申请一种首期付款,然后按月分期付款的付款计划. 如果获得经济援助, 你的资助将被应用到你的账户,任何多余的资金收到将退还给你.

登录你的 自助服务 account or call the Cashier’s office, 910.755.7318,以支付学费或建立付款计划.

  • 登录你的 自助服务, select “Make a Payment” or select “Create a Payment Plan”; or
  • 访问 A栋一楼商务办公室.  Complete the Tuition Payment Plan Enrollment Application and make your first payment.

注意: A payment plan is not effective until you have made your first payment. 在注册高峰期,付款计划请求可能需要长达24小时的处理时间.


学生可获得的书籍经济援助金额由经济援助奖励减去学杂费决定. 大多数财政援助和不伦瑞克保证奖学金获得者都有购买书籍的可用资金. 网上购物网址: det365手机版官网的书店 或在开学前10天内到A楼书店购买. Financial Aid will only cover course materials listed on your course syllabus.

的 last day to purchase 书 and/or supplies in the Bookstore using financial aid is 课程开始后5个工作日. This also applies to using 不伦瑞克的保证 funds for purchases.


是的. Part-time employment for students with financial need is available.  To apply, click the Federal Work Study option in your FAFSA application.


联邦和州法规要求学生填写年度FAFSA表格,并保持令人满意的学术进步(SAP),才有资格继续获得资助. 有关隐密会政策网页的详情,请参阅 4.20满意的学业进展. 如有其他问题,请联系财务援助顾问 bccfinancialaid@daehanserver.net.


